Matlab for engineers 5th edition solutions pdf
Matlab for engineers 5th edition solutions pdf

matlab for engineers 5th edition solutions pdf

Plot(strain,stress,' -ok' ) (c) Add a title and appropriate axis labels. Connect the data points with a solid black line, and use circles to mark each data point. (b) Create an x–y plot with strain on the x -axis and stress on the y -axis. Load tensile_testing_data (a) Use the provided data to calculate the stress and the corresponding strain for each data pair.

matlab for engineers 5th edition solutions pdf

Title(' Launch Angles Matter' ), xlabel(' horizontal distance, m' ), ylabel(' vertical distance, m' )Īxis() Figure P5 A tensile testing machine is used to measure stress and strain and to characterize the behavior of materials as they are deformed. Use the plot command to plot h on the x - axis and v on the y -axis. Each of your results should be a 2001 × 3 matrix. Then use the two new meshed variables you create to recalculate vertical distance (v) and horizontal distance (h) traveled. Use the meshgrid function to create a mesh of theta and the time vector (t). This time, create a matrix theta of the three angles, π /2, π /4, and π /6. Xlabel(' horizontal distance, m' ),ylabel(' vertical distance, m' ) Problem 5. % to adjust the grid so that it is visible % back down again - it may be hidden in the y-axis - use the axis command % Note - the projectile fired at an angle of pi/2 goes straight up and Add a legend to identify which line is which. Make one line solid, one dashed, and one dotted.In a new figure window, graph horizontal distance on the x -axis and vertical distance on the y -axis, for all three cases.Calculate three new vectors for each of the vertical ( u 1, u 2, u 3) and horizontal ( h 1, h 2, h 3) distances traveled, assuming launch angles of π /2, π /4, and π /6. Title(' Ballistic Trajectory of a Projectile' ), xlabel(' horizontal distance, m' ), ylabel(' vertical distance, m' ) Problem 5. In a new figure window, plot horizontal distance on the x -axis and vertical distance on the y -axis. Title(' Horizontal Projectile Distances' ), xlabel(' time, sec' ), ylabel(' horizontal distance, m' ) (b) In a new figure window, plot vertical distance versus time (with time on the x -axis). Theta = pi/4 % don' t use angle as a variable name - it is a Matlab function name (a) Graph horizontal distance versus time. Find the distance traveled both horizontally and vertically (in the x and y directions) for times from 0 to 20 s with a spacing of. Suppose the projectile just described is fired at an initial velocity of 100 m/s and a launch angle of π / (45°). Adjust the plot created in Problem 5 so that the x -axis goes from –6 to + 6. In general, markers are included only on plots of measured data, not for calculated values. Do not include markers on any of the graphs. 5 Adjust the plot created in Problem 5 so that: Plot the following functions on the same graph for x values from – π to π, selecting spacing to create a smooth plot: y 1 = sin( x ) y 2= sin(2 x ) y 3 = sin(3 x ) (Hint: Recall that the appropriate MATLAB® syntax for 2 x is 2 * x. Y = Allow MATLAB® to use the matrix index number as the parameter for the x -axis. Grid on (c) where a = 5, b = 2, and c = 4 X=0:0:10 % Select a spacing that creates smooth plots Each of your plots should include a title, an x -axis label, a y -axis label, and a grid. Create plots of the following functions from x = 0 to 10.

Matlab for engineers 5th edition solutions pdf windows#

% The close all command closes all figure windows Two-Dimensional ( x – y ) Plots Problem 5. Matlab for Engineers - 5th Edition Chapter 5 Homework Solutions

Matlab for engineers 5th edition solutions pdf